From Colonialism to COVID-19: Why Global Health Remains Unequal
Kividi Koralage, an independent researcher in international development and geopolitics examines how colonial legacies, economic models, and global health governance shape healthcare disparities.This blog post stems from Kividi’s research on global health inequalities as part of the global health politics session presented at the British International Studies Association’s (BISA) virtual conference in January 2025. She…
End of the Indus: An Artistic Exploration of a Decaying Delta
Saba Khan is a visual artist and Associate Lecturer at Chelsea College of Art, London. Her multimedia works traffics into the language of memorial, monument and expeditions around water bodies and infrastructures. This blog post chronicles an expedition (and the resultant exhibition, The Tide Country) in which she led a group of female Pakistani artists…
Understanding the Everyday Experiences of the Ahmadi Community
Umtul Aleem Kokab, a final year doctoral candidate at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, recently attended the British Association for South Asian Studies (BASAS) annual conference. Here, she blogs about her experience at the conference and why it has been valuable to her work. I recently attended…
No Country for Old Men: Digital Development and Accessibility in the Global South
In this blog post, Rajashri Kamat, a fourth-year undergraduate law student from Mumbai in India, discusses the digital divide in India and in other regions in the Global South. Unified Payment Interface (UPI) is an Indian smartphone technology, which allows individuals to make payments digitally within seconds. It is something that would have been inconceivable…
Towards a Wellbeing Economy with Feminist Economist Naila Kabeer
Image sourced from Institute of Development and Economic Alternatives (IDEAS) website “We are finally hearing people questioning the growth paradigm that has dominated our lives, our politics, our vision of the future. If growth is not contributing to the sum total of our wellbeing, to our sense of fairness, to our safety in the streets,…
Seven Steps for Crafting a Compelling Academic Book Review
In this blog post, Central Asian Survey Book Review Editor, Philipp Lottholz discusses the importance of academic book reviews and shares his top tips on how to write a compelling and critical book review. Why write a book review? Reviewing another person’s work is something that others will really value and may lead to a…
Exploring Resettlement in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Adaptation
Written by Ginbert Permejo Cuaton Countries in the Global South face simultaneous problems of poverty, economic development, intensifying weather extremes, and the negative impact of climate change. Governments adopt disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate adaptation policies that promise to solve these issues simultaneously to bring about sustainable development. Resettlement or planned relocation is one…
How is China’s South-South Cooperation addressing SDGs? Insights from Li Li
The Global Souths Hub is delighted to publish our first event write-up by Li Li, who is an Associate Professor at China Agricultural University (CAU) in Beijing, China. Hear from Li Li about the evolving role China is playing in South-South Cooperations (SSC) to address Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). On 27-29 February 2024, the 28th…
An interview with Jing Gu: China and Global South Collaborations
We spoke to Jing Gu, a political economist with a focus on development policy and impact. Jing is the Director of the Centre for Rising Powers and Global Development at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), as well as an Academic Editor for Third World Quarterly (TWQ). Jing touches on her academic journey, her responsibilities…