Academic Editor, Third World Quarterly

Reader in International Political Economy, Newcastle University, UK and Visiting Professor, International Relations Institute, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
Research interests:
International political economy, work, and production aesthetics, politics, popular culture , everyday life, urbanism, Brazil
Matt Davies is a Reader in International Political Economy at Newcastle University, and a Visiting Professor at the International Relations Institute at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio. Until recently, he was the Director of the Postgraduate Taught Programmes in Politics and Degree Programme Director for the MAs in International Political Economy and in World Politics and Popular Culture. His current research involves theoretical critiques of contemporary International Political Economy (IPE). The problems he addresses involve the spatial challenges to international politics and political economy posed by contemporary urbanisms, which he approaches through aesthetics, culture, and labour.
Matt’s publications have covered diverse topics, from the division of labour in cultural political economy; to punk rock as international relations; to the critique of everyday life for international political economy; to the power relations affecting unprotected workers in international political economy; to music and temporality in IPE; to the politics of encountering cities as aesthetic subjects. The theoretical influences he draws most heavily on for IPE derive from Marx and the ways Marx was deployed in various strands of dependency and postcolonial theory, while also turning to figures such as Henri Lefebvre, Raymond Williams, and Jacques Rancière for critiquing international politics and International Political Economy.
Contact: [email protected]
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