List of Global South Studies Journals

Below are some links to journals that platform voices from the Global South and focus on topics that are relevant to the region.

If you have a relevant journal that you would like added to the list, please do let us know at [email protected].


African Affairs

An inter-disciplinary journal, with a focus on the politics and international relations of sub-Saharan Africa. It also includes sociology, anthropology, economics, and to the extent that articles inform debates on contemporary Africa, history, literature, art, music and more.

African Studies

African Studies is an international, interdisciplinary journal which publishes high-quality conceptual and empirical research relevant to Africa.

African Journal of Political Science

The African Journal of Political Science is the flagship publication of the African Association of Political Science. It is an open-access and strictly peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the study of the political in all its dimensions and permutations in African and black societies in general

African and Black Diaspora

Research on the African diaspora, human migration, transnationalism, racialization, and the experiences of Black people and people of African descent.


Areas covered include foreign policies, security policies, political theory, comparative politics, environmental politics, peace studies, conflict resolution, globalization and terrorism.


A Radical Journal of Geography that push Geography’s critical edge, intending to engender the development of a new and better society.

Arab Studies Quarterly

A journal that publishes articles on the Arabs, their history and social and political institutions.


Area publishes concise high quality papers and commentaries that shape key debates within and beyond the discipline of geography.

Bandung: Journal of the Global South

A cross-disciplinary journal in the humanities and social sciences that aims at providing an academic and policy platform for scholars and practitioners to develop new theoretical perspectives, share revealing findings, and exchange views.

Bulletin of Latin American Research

Publishes original research of current interest on Latin America, the Caribbean, inter-American relations and the Latin American Diaspora from all academic disciplines within the Social Sciences and Humanities.

Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies

A leading interdisciplinary journal on Asia, Africa and the Middle East and has been an outlet for research in the arts and humanities since 1917.

Canadian Journal of African Studies

Publishes research in English and French about Africa, including anthropology, political science, history, sociology, literature, geography and development.

Central Asian Affairs

A quarterly journal featuring innovative social science research on contemporary developments in the wider Central Asian region.

Central Asian Survey

A quarterly journal that publishes research on history, politics, cultures, religions and economics of Central Asia and the Caucasus, enhancing understanding of local and regional change.

Contemporary Journal of African Studies (CJAS)

publishes academic and scholarly articles that set forth the findings of new research in any branch of African Studies.

Critical African Studies

Publishes interdisciplinary research about Africa and the diaspora, spanning fields from history to sociology and advancing the decolonization of knowledge.

Decolonial Horizons

An annual publication which is an intellectual hub for the exploration of scholarship between global politics and religious discourses. It confronts years of systemic scholarly racism by privileging frameworks generated in the networks of the Global South.

Development and Change

A leading international journal in the field of development studies and social change published six times a year

Development Policy Review

A journal focusing specifically on the links between research and policy in all aspects of international development and across the spectrum of social science disciplines, intellectual persuasions, institutional backgrounds and geographical regions.

Development Southern Africa (DSA) 

Publishes on development policy and practice in the southern Africa region related to topics such as poverty, unemployment, tourism, business and infrastructure.


A quarterly journal reporting on all aspects of disaster studies, policy and management.

Disability and the Global South

The first peer reviewed international journal committed to publishing high quality work focused exclusively on all aspects of the disability experience in the Global South.

Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies

A pioneering international peer-reviewed journal which offers a distinctive, integrated forum for scholarship on the literature, culture and arts of the Eastern Africa region and their widespread influence. 


A cross-disciplinary journal centred on sociology and politics, Ethnicities provides the very best critical, interdisciplinary dialogue on questions of ethnicity, nationalism and related issues such as identity politics and minority rights.

Feminist Review

A publish accessible knowledge and timely interventions that build on the work of Black, Indigenous, decolonial, and transnational feminist struggle.

Food Policy

A multidisciplinary journal publishing original research and novel evidence on issues in the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of policies for the food sector in developing, transition, and advanced economies.


For the interdisciplinary study of futures, anticipation and foresight Futures Futures aims to build substantive research and knowledge about the relationships between humanity and its possible futures.


A journal (8 issues a year) that publishes research that constructs new meanings of globalization, focusing on political economy, environment, public health, gender, human security and more.

Global Networks

A 6 issues a year journal devoted to the social scientific understanding of globalization and transnationalism. The journal publishes high quality, peer-reviewed research on global networks, transnational affairs and practices, and their relation to wider theories of globalization.

Global Policy

An innovative and interdisciplinary journal that will bring together world class academics and leading practitioners to analyse both public and private solutions to global problems and issues.

Global Social Policy

Advancing the understandings of social policy, social development, social and health governance, gender and poverty, social welfare, education, employment, and food, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation from transnational and global perspectives.

Global Studies Quarterly

The International Studies Association (ASA) journal publishes original and innovative scholarship within the topics, subfields, and approaches in international studies.

Global South Review

An open-access social and political journal that aimed to provide academic and policy platform to exchange views, research findings, and dialogues within & between the Global North and the Global South.

Habitat International

Habitat International is dedicated to the study of urban and rural human settlements: their planning, design, production and management.

Index on Censorship

An award-winning magazine, devoted to protecting and promoting free expression.

International Affairs

A leading journal in international relations and one of the few to cover the entire discipline. Founded by and edited at Chatham House.

International Journal of Critical Diversity Studies (IJCDS)

An open access journal managed by the Wits Centre for Diversity Studies (WiCDS) at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. The journal is an interdisciplinary platform designed to foster knowledge that deepens our understanding of diversity in both local and global contexts.

Journal of Contemporary African Studies (JCAS) 

Publishes research on African societies and their location within the global political economy; topics include culture, gender, labour, land and politics.

International Journal of African Renaissance Studies

A forum for scholarship on the challenges facing Africa today and seeks to promote research, policy analyses and teaching that locate African people at the centre of the development agenda.

International Relations of the Asia-Pacific

A major international journal publishing the best original research in the field.

International Studies Perspectives

Publishing three types of articles (pedogogy, policy relevant scholarship, practice), all of which share the common requirement of focus and relevance to matters related to international relations/international studies

International Studies Quarterly

The flagship journal of the International Studies Association. It seeks to publish leading scholarship that engages with significant theoretical, empirical, and normative subjects in international studies.

International Studies Review

A journal of the International Studies Association. It provides a window on current trends and research in international studies worldwide.

Iranian Studies

A peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal, concerning everywhere with a Persian or Iranian legacy, especially Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia, the Caucasus and northern India, and Iranians in the diaspora.

Islamaphobia Studies Journal

A bi-annual, double-blind peer-review journal that focuses on the critical analysis of Islamophobia and its multiple manifestations in our contemporary moment.

Journal of A Sustainable Global South

A refereed journal reflecting current problems of global development – climate change, geographic restructuring, migration, adaptive urbanism, social justice and other dominant issues, the journal is focused on issues pertaining to sustainable development of third world countries in the context of evolving social, cultural, economic and spatial conditions.

The Global South 

The Global South is an interdisciplinary bi-annual journal that focuses on how world literatures and cultures respond to globalisation.

Journal of African Cultural Studies 

Publishes across the spectrum of African culture, from visual arts, music and cinema to the role of the media and relationship between culture, power and gender.

Journal of Contemporary African Studies

An interdisciplinary journal seeking to promote an African-centred scholarly understanding of societies on the continent and their location within the global political economy.

The Journal of Global South Studies 

A probing scholarly journal published bi-annually (formerly called the Journal of Third World Studies) examines development problems and issues as well as pioneering efforts in the developing world. 

Journal of Global Faultlines

A bi-annual journal providing a critical lens on global issues, with a strong focus on international and global studies.

Journal of Developing Societies

An international journal on development and social change not only in ‘developing’ countries but also the ‘developed’ societies of the world.

Journal of Eurasian Studies

An open access journal published by the Asia-Pacific Research Center, Hanyang University, devoted to the study of the links that expand across and beyond Eurasia.

Journal of International Development

An inter-disciplinary development studies journal that aims to disseminate the best research on international development to practitioners, policy-makers, and academic researchers.

Journal of Indentureship and its Legacies

Offering an important academic space to examine the system of indentureship – a distinct form of unfree labour that significantly impacted social, economic, and cultural dynamics across the world.

Journal of Latin American Studies

Presents recent research in the field of Latin American studies in development studies, economics, geography, history, politics and international relations, public policy, sociology and social anthropology.

The Journal of Modern African Studies 

A quarterly survey of developments in modern African politics and society. Its main emphasis is on current issues in African politics, economies, societies and international relations. It is intended not only for students and academic specialists, but also for general readers and practitioners with a concern for modern Africa, living and working both inside and outside the continent.

Journal of Peacebuilding & Development

A forum for the sharing of critical thinking and constructive action at the intersections of conflict, development and peace.

Journal of Refugee Studies

provides a forum for exploration of the complex issue of forced migration and local, national, regional and international responses.

The Journal of Peasant Studies

A journal (7 issues a year) publishing international research on rural politics and developments, and the social structure of peasants, rural labourers and migrant workers.

Latin American Perspectives

A theoretical and scholarly journal for discussion and debate on the political economy of capitalism, imperialism, and socialism in the Americas.

Latin American Research Review

Publishes original research and review essays on Latin America, the Caribbean, and Latina/Latino studies. LARR covers the social sciences and the humanities, including the fields of anthropology, economics, geography, history, literature and cultural studies, political science, and sociology.

Middle East Journal

The oldest peer-reviewed publication in North America dedicated to the study of the modern Middle East.

Migration Studies

An international online only journal dedicated to advancing scholarly understanding of the determinants, processes and outcomes of human migration in all its manifestations.


Publishes innovative peer-reviewed articles from the discipline of international studies, as well as original thinking from elsewhere in the social sciences with an international dimension.

Nations and Nationalism

A journal of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN) which aims to advance understanding of the common features, typical variations and general conditions of emergence of the protean phenomena classified as nationalism.

Population and Development Review

Essential reading to keep abreast of population studies; the relationships between population and social, economic, and environmental change; and related thinking on public policy.


An open access, peer-reviewed academic journal published by the International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS).

Race & Class

A multidisciplinary journal on racism and imperialism in the world today. 

ReOrient: The Journal of Critical Muslim Studies

An international journal with a decolonial, post-positivist, post-orientalist and post-Eurocentric approach to the analysis of the historical and contemporary political, socio-economic, and cultural processes that are constitutive of the Islamicate in its widest-ranging permutations. 

Review of Middle East Studies

The Middle East Studies Association’s online journal of review. Published twice a year, each issue includes a selection of roundtables or research articles, essays, brief reports on emerging topics and issues, columns on pedagogy and the politics of representation, and reviews of books, films, music, software, and exhibitions relevant to Middle East studies.

Review of Radical Political Economics

A quarterly journal for innovative research in non-orthodox economics for more than forty years.


Publishes radical analyses of social trends in Africa, including the political economy of and struggle against inequality, exploitation and oppression

The Round Table

This bimonthly journal provides nalysis and commentary on international affairs affecting the contemporary Commonwealth, including policy, themes of historical interest and topical issues.

The African Review

The journal hosts intellectual debates and discussions on African politics, development and international affairs.

The China Quarterly

The leading scholarly journal in its field, covering all aspects of contemporary China including Taiwan. It covers a range of subjects including anthropology/sociology, literature and the arts, business/economics, geography, history, international affairs, law, and politics. 

The Developing Economies

A quarterly journal of development studies publishing articles on issues relating to developing, transition, and emerging economies as well as developed countries before the take-off.

The Journal of Modern African Studies

A quarterly survey of developments in modern African politics and society.

Journal of the Indian Ocean Region

This journal publishes social science and policy research about human, environmental, economic and security issues relevant to the Indian Ocean Region.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the South

An online open source and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to fostering dialogue and research on teaching and learning in higher education in the global South, or about the global South.

South Africa Journal of International Affairs

An outward-looking International Relations journal. While taking a South African and African perspective, articles are comparative, and address issues of global importance.

Publishes research and transnational/comparative analyses of the history, culture and politics of Southern Africa, Africa, and the world.

Social Dynamics
Publishes conceptually-informed interdisciplinary research on current issues in Africa, covering all fields in humanities and social sciences. The journal is affiliated with the Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town.

Third World Quarterly 

A journal publishing research in the field of international studies, examining issues, policy and development discourses that affect the Global South.

Third Text

An international scholarly journal dedicated to providing critical perspectives on art and visual culture.

Urban Studies

An international journal for urban scholarship with an aim to further our understanding of the urban condition and the rapid changes taking place in cities and regions across the globe.

World Development

A multi-disciplinary monthly journal of development studies.

World Development Perspectives

A multi-disciplinary journal of international development and a companion title to the respected World Development.

World Development Sustainability

A multi-disciplinary, gold open access social sciences journal focusing on sustainable development.


A dynamic platform for mapping new landscapes in contemporary international writing featuring a diverse range of voices from across the UK and beyond. 

Zanj: The Journal of Critical Global South Studies 

A bi-annual peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by Pluto Journals that provides a uniquely engaged scholarly space for Global South knowledge and methods, interventions, histories, reclamations, perspectives, scholarship.