A book series publishes stand-alone books that together, contribute to a multifaceted conversation on a specific topic. Here, we have outlined several book series which collectively explore the challenges and opportunities faced by the Global South.

Africa in World History: From Prehistory to the Present (Pearson)
This comprehensive survey is the first to provide a view of African history in the wider context of World History. The text illustrates how Africans have influenced regions beyond the continent’s borders, how they have been influenced from outside, and how internal African developments can be compared and contrasted to those elsewhere in the world. Identifying and presenting key debates within the field of African history, this volume encourages students to address the many oversimplified myths regarding the continent and its people.
African Arguments (Hurst)
African Arguments is a series of books about contemporary Africa and the critical issues and debates surrounding the continent.
Biographies in the Global South: Life Stories Embedded in Figurations and Discourses (The University of Chicago Press)
Research into biography has historically focused almost wholly on the lives of people in the wealthier nations of the Global North. This book corrects that with a focus on the biographical histories of people—seen as part of larger groups or collectives, whether religious or political—from the Global South, with a particular focus on Africa and the Middle East.
Cambridge Centre of African Studies Series (Ohio University Press)
A four-part series that looks at African media, religion, and culture.
Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics (Cambridge University Press)
Publishes comparative research that seeks to explain important cross-national domestic political phenomena. The series is based on a broad conception of comparative politics and will promote critical dialogue among different approaches.
Contemporary Asia in the World (Columbia University Press)
Aimed at offering comprehensive studies of Asia in a global context, this series covers economic, political, and social developments in Asia, with a focus on how the region’s countries are influencing and being influenced by global trends.
Crises in World Politics (Hurst)
A Series of the Centre of International Studies, and the Centre for Rising Powers, University of Cambridge covering a number of topics.
Critical Latin American And Latino Studies (University of Minnesota Press)
This book brings together some of the most prominent scholars working across the spectrum of Latin American and Latino studies to explore their changing intellectual undertaking in relation to global processes of change. Critical Latin American and Latino Studies identifies the challenges and possibilities of more politically engaged and theoretically critical modes of scholarly practice.
Governing Intimacies in the Global South (Manchester University Press)
This series deploys the categories of intimacy and governance to offer novel insights into the subjects, politics, and cultures of the global south.
International Law and the Global South (Springer)
This book series aims to promote a complex vision of contemporary legal developments from the perspective of emerging or developing countries and/or authors integrating these elements into their approach.
International Political Economy Series (IPE) (Springer)
The global political economy is in flux as a series of cumulative crises impacts its organization and governance. The IPE series has tracked its development in both analysis and structure over the last three decades.
Kilombo: International Relations and Colonial Questions (Rowman & Littlefield)
This is the first series to mark out a dedicated space for advanced critical inquiry into colonial questions across International Relations.
Latin American Literature and Culture Series (University of California Press)
The University of California Press’s “Latin American Literature and Culture” series comprises a diverse collection of works that explore the rich literary and cultural heritage of Latin America.
Latinx Histories (UNC Press)
UNC Press’s Latinx Histories book series is premised on the view that understanding Latinx history is essential to a more complete and complex understanding of the history of the United States, the Americas, and the world. The series editors and advisory board welcome book proposals that examine and offer a historical framework for the experiences of Latinx people ranging from earliest indigenous settlement in what is now known as the United States through the present-day transnational U.S. and beyond, resulting in a collection of innovative historical works that push the boundaries of race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, migration, and nationalism within and around Latinx communities.
Literary Cultures of the Global South (Routledge)
This book series explores the literary manifestations (in their often intermedial, networked forms) of those south–south cultural connections together with academic leaders from those societies and cultures concerned.
Multiculturalism and Conflict Reconciliation in the Asia-Pacific (Springer)
This edited collection focuses on theories, language, and migration in relation to multiculturalism in Japan and the Asia-Pacific. Each chapter aims to provide alternative understandings to current conflicts that have arisen due to immigration and policies related to education, politics, language, work, citizenship and identity.
Palgrave Studies in Journalism and the Global South (Springer)
Focuses on cutting-edge developments in journalism in and from the Global South and illuminates how journalism cultures and practices have evolved from the era of colonisation to contemporary globalisation.
Postcolonial International Studies (Manchester University Press)
This series marks out a dedicated space for advanced critical inquiry into colonial questions across International Relations and beyond. The series embraces a multitude of methods and approaches, theoretical and empirical scholarship, alongside historical and contemporary concerns.
Routledge African Studies (Routledge)
This volume brings together insights from distinguished scholars from around the world to address the facts, fiction, and creative imaginations in the pervasive portrayals of Africa, its people, societies, and cultures in the literature and the media.
Routledge Perspectives on Development (Routledge)
This series provides an invaluable, up-to-date, and refreshing approach to key development issues for academics and students working in the field of development, in disciplines such as anthropology, economics, geography, international relations, politics, and sociology.
Routledge Studies in African Philosophy (Routledge)
This book series reflects the many exciting and diverse contributions to philosophy which are being made by Africans and the African diaspora. Historically dominated by the voices of Western thinkers, the field of philosophy is rapidly diversifying, and there is a pressing need to reflect on the rich epistemic traditions and history to be found within Africa.
Routledge Studies in Asian Religion and Philosophy (Routledge)
Focusing on the rich and diverse religious traditions of Asia, this series offers scholarly works on various aspects of Asian religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Confucianism, and others. It covers both historical and contemporary topics within the field of religious studies.
Routledge Studies in Latin American Politics (Routledge)
This series covers contemporary political issues in Latin America, including democracy, governance, social movements, and the politics of development. It is known for its scholarly rigor and contributions to understanding the complex political dynamics of the region.
Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia (Routledge)
During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Asia has undergone immense and far-reaching changes: war, revolution, occupation, industrialization. This series includes in-depth research on aspects of economic, political and social history of individual countries as well as more broad-reaching analyses of regional issues.
Studies in Global Justice (Springer)
Exploring issues of global justice, focusing on the political and moral challenges faced by the Global South. This series includes work on human rights, global economic inequalities, international law, and the legacies of colonialism. Many of the books in the series engage with justice and equity in relation to development and globalization.
SUNY series in Latin American and Iberian Thought and Culture (SUNY Press)
The SUNY series in Latin American and Iberian Thought and Culture encompasses a diverse range of scholarly works that delve into the philosophical, cultural, and literary landscapes of Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula.
The New Black Studies Series (University of Illinois Press)
The New Black Studies Series publishes the best scholarship that extends the boundaries of traditional Black studies and innovatively advances the field. Methodologically and disciplinarily diverse, The New Black Studies Series seeks books that theoretically, comparatively, historically, or culturally expand our notions of racial blackness and provide generative ways to examine and understand the function and impact of race.
The Political Economy of Development: The World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research (Pluto Press)
Any student, academic, or practitioner wanting to succeed in development studies, radical or mainstream, must understand the World Bank’s role and the evolution of its thinking and activities. The Political Economy of Development provides tools for gaining this understanding and applies them across a range of topics.
Urban Perspectives from the Global South (Springer)
The Urban Perspectives from the Global South brings together a wide variety of urban scholars under one series title and is purposefully multi-disciplinary.
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